rrb 2018 mock test app is providing questions based on new exam pattern by Railway Recruitment Board. It's covered all sections questions in this app totally free.
RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) is the organization of Government of India, Ministry of Railways. The organization has circulated the recruitment notice for the examination to be conducted for total 18,252 available seats in the organization. The position of Commercial Apprentice, Traffic Apprentice, Enquiry cum Reservation Clerk, Goods Guard, Junior Accounts Assistant cum Typist, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Assistant Station Master, Traffic Assistant and Senior Time Keeper. All the applicants interested for all the job profiles mentioned above must apply for it and start preparing for the examination to be conducted by the organizatio
To know what questions could be asked in those papers, one must be clear about the syllabus.
So here is the much expected RRB recruitment 2017 - 2018 exam syllabus that will help you to understand the topics to cover.
This is the normal reasoning that you would encounter in any competitive exams.Expect 30-35 questions to be asked in this part.
1] Missing number
2] Series (number, symbol, letter)
3] Analogy
4] Formation of words
5] Calendar problems
6] Cube & Dices
7] Direction test
8] Blood relations
9] Classification
10] Statement/ Conclusion
11] Pie charts, Venn diagrams etc.,
These are the chapters from which questions are frequently asked.It wont contain high level reasoning problems like the ones that you attend in banking exams.
It is same as numerical ability covering topics from basic mathematics only.This section also would contain around 25 -30 questions for you to answer.
1] Simplification
2] HCF, LCM, Fractions
3] Percentage
4] Average
5] Partnership, Profit & Loss
6] Number system
7] Mensuration
8] Geometry
9] Distance & Time
10] Time & Work
11] Work & Wages
12] Ratios
13] Square/ Cube roots
14] Simple/ Compound Interest
15] Data Interpretation
Don’t get worried on the number of lessons. Most of which can be answered by using formulas.So learn the concept & few shortcuts to answer these arithmetic questions in short time.
There will be 40-45 questions in this section alone, which is nearly 40% of the total paper.Take a look at the topics you need to prepare:
1] Indian History
2] India & State Geography
3] Indian Constitution & Polity
4] Books & Authors
5] Economy & Finance
6] Basic Computers
7] Abbreviations (full form of words)
8] General Science (Physics,Chemistry, Biology)
9] Traditional/ Static GK (longest, shortest, highest, largest, smallest, etc.,)
10] Current Affairs (just a few)
We hope rrb 2018 mock test app will encourage the aspiring candidates to prepare better for RRB Exam. All the Best!